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"THE WORK OF JUSABURO TSUJIMURA" par Otsuka KOGEISHA. Editions Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo. 1992.

Ref LCU0249


95,00 €Prix
  • "THE WORK OF JUSABURO TSUJIMURA" par Otsuka KOGEISHA. Editions Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo. 1992. Grand in-8, dos droit, couverture souple catonnée photo. 164 pages. Texte bilingue Japonais / Anglais, illustré de très nombreuses reproductions photographiques noir & blanc et couleurs, in-texte et hors texte, de près d'une centaine de poupées de Jusaburo Tsujimura. Ouvrage réalisé dans le cadre de l'exposition éponyme itinérante à travers le Japon durant l'année 1992.


    "When a doll is brought into the world, the artist cannot determine exactly how it will come out by his own will. It is the same with human beings. The manner of a person's birth is culled from thousands of possibilities. While his life is his own, he does not exist according to his own desires. This is even more so for people who survive physical dangers. Birth is ultimately a near miracle. Dolls can be changed in any number of ways depending on the whim of the maker. Likewise, the life of a human being might just as well have been a fish, a bird, an insect, or even a doll. This kind of thinking can be unnerving. A fish can swim in the water as if it were dancing. A bird can fly in the sky as if it were running. A doll in the hand is appealing and beautiful. No matter how you look at these creatures, however, they are much less free than human beings. Fish and birds are eaten by humans. Dolls have human form but cannot move by their own will. They cannot see, speak, or hear…"


    Ref LCU0249

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